Saturday, April 17, 2010

Let's face it. Doctors would have you think that ADHD is an epidemic. They diagnose you ($$$) give you medicine ($$$) , refer you to a psychiatrist or a therapist ($$$) and make sure you keep coming back to "try and get better" ($$$).

ADHD is not an epidemic. It's simply a biproduct of the information age we live in.

Take this morning for example. And if this hasn't happened to you, then maybe I'm crazy.

I'm taking a walk ... I start thinking about work. Need to send an email and resolve a scheduling conflict next week.

But before I send my email, I need to check the production grid to find out when my show airs. (I'm a TV producer for a weekly magazine show -- the show airs different times each week, usually Fridays).

So I get home, cozy up to the laptop and turn it on.

My home page is my Yahoo email account. I see that I got a Facebook message from a friend of mine.

I go to Facebook to answer him.

We send messages back and forth for a few minutes, then my phone rings.

It's him on the other line. We talk for a while, and I find out he works out at my gym. He works out in the mornings, and I work out in the .... well, I never go.

We agree to meet at 7:15 (yawning already) this week to start working out together.

Next message on email account is a group meetup. I answer ... now I have plans for Monday morning and Monday evening.

My answer leads to another email... "hi how are you?" ... we email back and forth a little bit ... turns out she's playing in a poker tournament on Thursday ... I go back to the web to join the poker game ...

Another email from my mom ... need to call my grandmother...

Pick up my cell phone ... there's a text message on there ... Someone from my basketball rotisserie league with a question about his roster...

I go back to the web to answer his email ... another facebook message ...

And the cycle begins anew ...

Time to take a shower and go to work...

I never checked the schedule to see when my show airs .... I never emailed our scheduler to resolve the potential conflict.

I never even called my grandmother.

But I found time to write this ... ADHD, or the era in which we live?

So far this morning, I've taken a walk ...

And now that I'm going to the gym again ... the morning walks will soon stop ... thank God! They're not as productive as I thought.